The title says "From Michigan to Austin and back again." You may be tempted, upon seeing that, to think that this is a travelogue of some sort. I'm sorry if it disappoints you, but it is not.
I'm a thirty year old, extremely short line cook, raised in the remotest region of northern Michigan, the tiny little splat of a town named Cross Village. I've lived all over this state - Petoskey, Mancelona, Conway, Levering, Topinabee, Mullett Lake, Cheboygan, Pellston, and Indian River. However, in 2011, I moved to Austin, Texas. I returned to Michigan a little over a year later, and find myself residing in Genesee County, best known for the town of Flint. I chose the name of my blog because that year had a profound impact on shaping who I am and what I do.
As I said, I'm a line cook. Food is my passion, my means of supporting myself, and one of the biggest driving factors in my life. I've attempted to hold other jobs, but I was born to work "back of the house." It suits my personality, my lifestyle, and everything about me.
My hands and forearms are covered in burn scars, knife scars, and occasionally bruises sustained in the line of duty. I will never have beautiful hands. I'm okay with that. I swear like a well-educated sailor. At times, I sound like a squeaky version of Gordon Ramsay. I'm also okay with that. I wear my (currently) bright red hair pulled back into two braids for work, and my hat that I wear on the line is a black baseball cap with a skull and crossbones embroidered on the front. I'm far more proficient with my knife than I am with social niceties. I saute far better than I flirt. I'm also okay with that.
My life is generally a controlled state of chaos. I work ridiculous hours, and am paid far less in this state than I was in Texas. I do miss the money. And there are days when I get extremely homesick for Austin. But I'm in Michigan for now, and I will make the most of it.
When I am on the clock, I am cocky and loud. I will talk just as much smack as the guys do, and I will brag about my skills and ability. I never say anything I can't back up when I'm shit-talking, however. And after having proven that a few times, I'm rarely questioned.
Off the clock, I'm a different story. I have very low self-esteem, and terrible body image. I question the motivation behind any kind gesture aimed toward me. I'm terrible at accepting help, and worse at accepting gifts. I will give you the shirt off my back if I care about you, but if I dislike you, you most likely will not be acknowledged. I hate dressing up, and my favorite type of date night involves cheeseburgers and a few games of pool.
I have two young sons, Matthew and Jonah. Matthew, my older son, is autistic. My younger son, Jonah, has ADHD. They are both the best and most beautiful creations I ever had a hand in participating. Due to my work schedule and the fact that their father and I are separated (never married), I only get to see them once a week. Those weekly visits are a big part of what keep me going, give me the strength to work 70-80 hours a week, and make me keep pushing myself to be better at what I do daily. They are my heart.
As I said, I'm extremely short - five feet tall exactly. I weigh around 115 lbs, a good portion of that muscle. I have ridiculously small feet, usually clad in socks and bistro-style Crocs, and I tend to prefer blue jeans and tee shirts layered over thermal shirts. I keep my (currently) red hair yanked back into either a bun or two braided pigtails, and the only makeup I ever wear is eyeliner and purple or green eyeshadow. My eyes are hazel and fluctuate in color between chocolate-brown and olive-green. My nose and pinky fingers are crooked, and I have high cheekbones.
This is me, and this is all the insight you'll get into who I am in this post. Believe me, you'll get more later.
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